Where Healthcare Professional Meet, Collaborate and Contribute 


All submissions are scrutinized to ensure they’re of high quality and authentic before they’re added to the website.

Authentic Content

High Quality and Authetic Content

Medilakes is a perfect place to server your community by sharing your knowledge and experience.

We are extremely proud of the quality of the content we provide on Medilakes. While the community is able to choose which content they want to see on the site, we’ve put a lot of energy and effort into ensuring that it is all of the best quality. Our editorial team reviews every submission made to ensure that it is from a credible source, or that it provides accurate and helpful information. We hope you enjoy the information provided on Medilakes and we look forward to seeing you in the rest of our community!

What Can Be Submitted As Knowledge Base?

Make a difference by sharing your knowledge and research with the rest of the world.

We’re excited that you’re interested in contributing to our training articles. Below are some of the training material types you can submit:

  • Training articles
  • Research papers
  • Training presentations
  • Training videos
What can be submitted

What is the Criteria of Successful Submission?

Submissions are accepetd only via Medilaes portal 

Please ensure meet the minimum criteria following before submitting. Please submit any articles directly to Medilakes portal email submissions are not accepted.

To ensure that we publish your article, please be sure to include the following:

  • Categorizing your submission properly is very important for your submission to be listed in the right place on the portal. This also helps in fast approval.
    • Main Category
    • Sub Category
    • Tag
  • Upload your content, it can be an article, research paper, presentation or a training video. Allowed file types are pdf and Microsoft Office Documents.
  • Elaborate on your submission as much as you can get maximum visibility
    • Submission description/objective
    • Provide excerpt from your submission
    • Upload an image to represent your submission
    • References/links to additional resources
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