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Vascular Neurologists

Vascular Neurologists

Leading Neurologist

A vascular neurologist is a medical professional who specializes in diagnosing, treating, and managing conditions related to cerebrovascular disease. These conditions mainly affect the blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord. The most common cerebrovascular disease is stroke, hence the nickname “stroke doctor.”

Why you need to see them?

If you or someone you care about has experienced a stroke, it is crucial to seek out and establish a relationship with a stroke doctor. Having a stroke creates a heightened risk of having another one – but by working together, you and your vascular neurologist can help reduce that likelihood.

What they do?

As stroke specialists, vascular neurologists play an important role in both emergency and ongoing care for stroke patients. As part of the hospital team, they are responsible for quickly and accurately interpreting diagnostic tests, such as CT scans and cerebral angiographies. Based on these tests, they will recommend treatment next steps after a stroke has been confirmed.

After a stroke has been confirmed, the next step is to administer intravenous medications. These medications help to reverse the damage that has been done by the stroke. The care team will work together to first stabilize the patient and then get a plan in place for the stroke recovery process.

But vascular neurologists can also provide care throughout the hospital stay and beyond, helping their patients manage any lasting effects and hopefully reverse stroke risk factors. Vascular neurologists can:

  • Evaluate a patient’s current brain and nervous system health – and risk factors – with the help of:
    • Diagnostic imaging tests like CT scans, MRIs, and transcranial carotid ultrasounds.
    • Specialized screening tests for things like genetic brain vessel abnormalities, irregular heartbeat, depression, cognitive changes, and sleep apnea.
    • A physical exam.
  • Monitor brain and nervous system symptoms or conditions, and recommend additional medications or therapies, if necessary.
  • Connect patients with new, relevant therapies or clinical trials.
  • Work with a patient’s primary care physicians, rehabilitation therapists, and other specialists to help make sure care is integrated and comprehensive.

Physician consultation is a good opportunity and you should be prepared for it.

  • Carry all necessary medical records for the discussion. It helps in better understanding your heart condition and avoids repetition of diagnostic tests.
  • Make sure you discuss your past medical history, surgical history, family history, and medications that you are taking.
  • Discuss about your lifestyle habits, dietary habits and also about your profession. Your lifestyle and nature of job may be associated with the risk for cardiac diseases.
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