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Urologic oncologists

Urologic oncologists

Cardiovascular consultation is the most important aspect of medical treatment. It is an opportunity for patients to discuss about their cardiac problems, current complaints, understand the risks and complications, and to adopt healthy lifestyle habits.


Urologic oncologist is a trained professional who provides surgical treatment for patients who suffer from urologic cancers. Uro-oncologists acts as a mediator who coordinates with medical oncologists, support services, and radiation oncologists to provide efficient treatment to patients.

The outcome of cancer treatment varies according to the stage of cancer. Kidney specialists at Medanta Lucknow have a proper treatment plan for each stage of urologic cancer. Management options for urologic cancer can vary from active surveillance to the multi-modal approach, which includes chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

When do you need to see them?

If you have conditions like

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer now ranks among the most common forms of cancer found in men, just next to skin cancer. Not only that, but it is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, trailing only lung cancer. The best urology doctor in Lucknow ensures high chances of a cure depending upon the stage of cancer. Early diagnosis ensures a better cure. The best urology doctor in Lucknow diagnoses the presence of prostate cancer using a blood test method termed “PSA,” along with a digital examination of the rectal area. If detected early, complete removal of the prostate gland for a patient is the preferred treatment (called a radical prostatectomy) can be done by open surgery as well as laparoscopic surgery.

Other treatment options provided by the best urology treatment include brachytherapy, radiation, and cryotherapy. Androgen deprivation therapy and chemotherapy are preferred initial treatments for advanced and widespread diseases

Bladder Cancer

Every year, 12,500+ deaths have been attributed to the incidence of bladder cancer. Most patients usually complain of hematuria or bloody urine. The best diagnosis protocol opted by centres for the best urology treatment is via cystoscopy. By taking a peek inside the patient’s bladder and acquiring the lesion biopsy, pathologists can easily determine the variant of bladder cancer invading the bladder’s muscular tissue.

The standard care protocol for bladder cancer is radical cystectomy and anterior exenteration with urinary diversion (orthotopic, neobladder, continental cutaneous diversion, ileal conduit). These procedures are mostly done by open surgery. Nevertheless, with expertise, it can be undertaken with laparoscopy, with or without robotic assistance.

Kidney Cancer

Renal cell carcinoma has been dubbed as one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of kidney cancer. Most of the tumours are located incidentally after results acquired from unrelated studies of kidney imaging. Symptoms of more advanced kidney tumours can closely mimic those of kidney stones (e.g. renal pain, hematuria). Therefore, in any such circumstance, one must not neglect to meet with a qualified urologist and get at least an ultrasound and urine test done.

For small tumours, excision of the tumour with a margin helps preserve the kidney (called partial nephrectomy). For larger tumours, tumours invading blood supply and locally advanced tumours, complete removal of the kidney with surrounding covering is essential (called radical nephrectomy). Since renal cell carcinoma is resistant to radiation therapy and chemotherapy, for widespread disease, surgical debulking of the disease is performed and certain medicines (named “targeted therapy”) are prescribed. Most of the tumours can be removed with a minimally invasive procedure (laparoscopy).

What do they do?

Surgeries that may be performed to treat and diagnose prostate cancer include:

  • Prostatectomy: This procedure removes the entire prostate. In most cases, the procedure is performed using the da Vinci® Surgical System. This robotic surgical system is designed to require smaller incisions and make more precise cuts. The robotic surgical tool also is designed to navigate around and spare nerves that are essential for sexual function.
  • Biopsy: Prostate cancer is definitively diagnosed with a prostate biopsy, a minor surgical procedure in which a sample of suspected cancer cells is removed for examination and testing by a pathologist. Biopsies may be performed endoscopically, while others are performed under image guidance, such as with ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology.

Surgeries that may be performed to treat bladder cancer include:

  • Transurethral resection: This procedure, also called “transurethral resection of the bladder tumour,” is common for early-stage bladder cancers, or those confined to the superficial layer of the bladder wall. This bladder cancer surgery is performed by passing an instrument through the urethra, to avoid cutting through the abdomen. The surgical instrument used for this operation is called a resectoscope. A wire loop at one end of the resectoscope is used to remove abnormal tissues or tumours.
  • Cystectomy: This bladder cancer surgical procedure may be used to remove either the entire bladder or portions of it. Sometimes, the bladder may be accessed through an incision in the abdomen. It may also be possible to do laparoscopic surgery. With this approach, several small incisions are made using long, thin instruments, one with a video camera on the end that enables the surgeon to see inside the pelvis. Cystectomies are performed in two ways:
  • Partial cystectomy: If cancer has invaded the muscle layer of the bladder wall but is not large and is confined to one region of the bladder, it may be possible to treat cancer by removing only part of the bladder. With this procedure, the portion of the bladder affected by cancer is removed, and the hole in the bladder wall is then closed.
  • Radical cystectomy: If cancer is aggressive and highly invasive, the entire bladder may need to be removed. With a radical cystectomy, nearby lymph nodes may also be removed, along with the prostate (for men), and, for women, the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and a small part of the vagina. This type of bladder cancer surgery is an extensive procedure but may help remove cancer cells from the body and reduce the likelihood of the disease recurring.
  • Reconstructive surgery: One type of reconstructive surgery may be performed when bladder cancer is in an advanced stage and cannot be removed by surgery. With this approach, urine is diverted away from the bladder, even though the bladder is not removed. This procedure may help prevent or treat blockage of urine flow. f the bladder is removed, a surgeon has several options for establishing a way for the body to expel urine. They include:
  • Ileal conduit: In this approach, a small piece of the intestine is connected to the ureters, creating a passageway for urine to pass out of the body from the kidneys. An opening, or a urostomy (or stoma), is created on the front of the abdomen, and the conduit is connected to this hole.
  • Continent diversion: In this procedure, a pouch is made from a piece of the intestine, and a valve is created in the pouch. Urine is stored in the pouch and emptied through the valve into a catheter attached to a stoma. With this approach, the patient does not have to wear a bag on the outside of the body.
  • Neobladder: This approach allows urination through the urethra. In this procedure, a piece of the intestine is used to create a storage area for urine. The ureters are connected to the new bladder. The difference between this approach and the others is that the neobladder is sewn to the urethra, which allows for normal urination.

Surgeries that may be performed to treat kidney cancer include:

  • Radical nephrectomy: This is a procedure to remove the entire affected kidney. The adrenal gland may also be removed if it is involved with, or very close to, the tumour. During this type of surgery, the oncologist may make incisions in the abdomen, under the ribs, or in the back to remove the entire kidney.
  • Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy (LRN): This surgery is performed by making a few small incisions, instead of one large incision. One of the incisions is slightly larger than the others to allow the removed kidney to pass through. LRN may require less recovery time and cause less bleeding and scarring.
  • Partial nephrectomy: During this procedure, the surgeon removes only the part of the kidney that contains cancer. This type of kidney cancer surgery may be required to preserve kidney function in patients who have cancer in both kidneys, who have low kidney function, or who have one kidney.

The two primary types of surgery for testicular cancer are:

  • Radical inguinal orchiectomy: With this procedure, the surgeon will remove the testicle with the tumour, as well as the spermatic cord that connects the testicle to the abdomen.
  • Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: If your doctor suspects that the cancer cells may have spread to nearby lymph nodes, this procedure may be performed at the same time, or during, a second surgery.

Physician consultation is a good opportunity and you should be prepared for it.

  • Carry all necessary medical records for the discussion. It helps in better understanding your heart condition and avoids repetition of diagnostic tests.
  • Make sure you discuss your past medical history, surgical history, family history, and medications that you are taking.
  • Discuss about your lifestyle habits, dietary habits and also about your profession. Your lifestyle and nature of job may be associated with the risk for cardiac diseases.
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