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General Surgeon

A rheumatologist is a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating arthritis, musculoskeletal conditions, and systemic autoimmune diseases. These diseases can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints, muscles, and bones.

Autoimmune diseases happen when your immune system causes too much inflammation in different parts of your body. They can affect your skin, eyes, and internal organs, in addition to joints, muscles, and bones. Rheumatologists help figure out what’s causing the problem and how to treat it. They also conduct research to better understand rheumatic diseases.

Why do you need to visit them?

Rheumatologists can treat more than 100 rheumatic diseases. Some of the more common ones are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Tendonitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Psoriatic arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Back pain
  • Scleroderma
  • Reactive arthritis
  • Myositis

Although many doctors who practice rheumatology are trained to treat different symptoms, some focus on specific subsets. For example, pediatric rheumatologists are trained to treat children under 18 years old because their bodies are quite different from those of adults.

What is Involved with a Comprehensive Joint replacement for the hip?

Rheumatologists are doctors who specialize in the study of conditions that affect connective tissues. Many medical specialties focus on one particular area of the body, but because some connective tissue problems and autoimmune diseases can affect the entire body, rheumatologists are trained to take a more holistic approach. This means that they not only consider the symptoms that a patient is experiencing, but also look at the whole person in order to make an accurate diagnosis.

Rheumatologists usually have a lot of direct contact with their patients. They might provide long-term follow-up care, and some might even follow their patients for years after the initial diagnosis and treatment have begun. This allows them to really get to know their patients and their unique needs.

Physician consultation is a good opportunity and you should be prepared for it.

  • Carry all necessary medical records for the discussion. It helps in better understanding your heart condition and avoids repetition of diagnostic tests.
  • Make sure you discuss your past medical history, surgical history, family history, and medications that you are taking.
  • Discuss about your lifestyle habits, dietary habits and also about your profession. Your lifestyle and nature of job may be associated with the risk for cardiac diseases.
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