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Pediatric Orthopedic

Pediatric Orthopedic


Pediatric orthopedics focuses on the treatment of children’s joints, muscles, and bones. A pediatric orthopedist is a doctor who specializes in this area of medicine and can provide both surgical and nonsurgical treatments for children of all ages.

Some common treatments that pediatric orthopedists offer include casts, braces, and other orthopedic devices. Surgery is only recommended when it is absolutely necessary, as it carries certain risks for young patients. However, in some cases, it may be the best option to improve a child’s quality of life.

Children’s bones, muscles, and joints are still developing and growing, so they are entirely different from an adults. If there are any issues, usually the pediatrician will refer the child to a pediatric orthopedist.

Since children’s bodies go through so many changes during childhood, it can be easy for parents to mistake growing pains for abnormalities. That is why it is crucial to talk to your child’s pediatrician before looking for a pediatric orthopedist.

Why do you need to see them?

Because pediatric orthopedists are specialists, most children are referred to a pediatric orthopedist by their pediatrician. The scope of pediatric orthopedics is quite broad, but some examples of conditions that pediatric orthopedists treat are: 

  • Abnormalities in the growing process
  • Scoliosis 
  • Broken bones
  • Bone and joint infections
  • Clubfoot
  • Problems walking
  • Sports injuries
  • Spinal issues
  • Ankle or foot surgeries
  • Nerve issues
  • Limb deformities
  • Issues walking or moving

Talk to your child’s pediatrician about any issue that you think might need a pediatric orthopedist. If you need one, they can give you a referral. 

What do they do?

Pediatric orthopedists use surgical and other medical therapies to treat children. You’ll work with your pediatric orthopedist to design a specific treatment plan for your child.

Pediatric orthopedists are specially trained in talking to children about their medical conditions. Not only do children have different physical ailments, but they also process them differently. 

Physician consultation is a good opportunity and you should be prepared for it.

  • Carry all necessary medical records for the discussion. It helps in better understanding your heart condition and avoids repetition of diagnostic tests.
  • Make sure you discuss your past medical history, surgical history, family history, and medications that you are taking.
  • Discuss about your lifestyle habits, dietary habits and also about your profession. Your lifestyle and nature of job may be associated with the risk for cardiac diseases.
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