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Family planning

Family planning


Why do you need to see them?

Family planning is important to avoid unwanted pregnancy, and there are different contraceptive methods available to achieve this goal. This type of family planning is typically done between the couple, but a consultation with a doctor may be necessary to determine what kind of contraception is best for the woman. For example, some women may be unable to take contraceptive pills for medical reasons, or condoms may not be an option due to latex allergies.

If a couple is having difficulty conceiving, they may consult with a fertility specialist. The specialist will help them to find out why they are struggling to get pregnant and offer plans to improve their chances. It’s possible that one or both partners are infertile and will need help getting pregnant.

What do they do?

The consulting doctor, usually a fertility specialist or gynecologist, may run tests to find out why a couple is having trouble conceiving. This could involve:
-Semen analysis
-Blood tests
-Ultrasound scans and X-rays
-Both sexes may be tested for STIs like chlamydia, which can affect fertility.

Physician consultation is a good opportunity and you should be prepared for it.

  • Carry all necessary medical records for the discussion. It helps in better understanding your heart condition and avoids repetition of diagnostic tests.
  • Make sure you discuss your past medical history, surgical history, family history, and medications that you are taking.
  • Discuss about your lifestyle habits, dietary habits and also about your profession. Your lifestyle and nature of job may be associated with the risk for cardiac diseases.
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